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kate burkart

“Twisted Wind” – my new single

By bandcamp, experiences, music community, new releases, video

“Twisted Wind” was written in April 2020, as we were just beginning to grasp what this pandemic would mean, and the damage it could cause. With no real end in sight, we’ve added wildfires in the West and an ongoing political shitstorm to the mix.

I wrote this song hoping to capture this endless loop that life has become…trying to think logically, stay productive, and maintain some version of faith, as we’re buffeted from moment to moment by forces that twist our thinking and sap our strength.

I don’t know how this story will end, but I do know that music is a force all its own. Let’s hold onto it…and each other.

Watch, listen, download and stream below.




Bread & Roses…15 years

By experiences

On July 29th we attended the annual JAM, an event for volunteers for Bread & Roses. I was proud to be given an award for 15 years of shows, which was very flattering. I certainly haven’t played every year, but apparently the years – and shows – have added up. They have one thing in common – walking into a room full of people who can’t, for various reasons, get out to see live music. You walk in, and basically say “yes, we’re total strangers, but here are some songs I brought for you”. It doesn’t matter if the room is filled with tension, anxiety, depression, or silence, music connects us during the time that we’re together. When it’s over, we’ve shared something real, and there is always a touch on the arm, a smile, a hug, questions, personal stories, and real warmth. I’ve always felt that it was time well spent, and honored to contribute. As my partner Paul put it: “These people do good work, and they do it in a dignified, low-key manner, letting the work speak for itself.”


By musings

Having a new website feels like such a clean, fresh start…my previous one went live in 2010, and became pretty cluttered over time. I hope you’ll visit here often, because I plan to use this space for all kinds of things: upcoming shows, who I’ve seen play and what I’m listening to, who I’m collaborating with, and probably some reflections on the balance between making music and making a living.

In terms of the creative process…well, that’s a topic for future posts. Inspiration lurks everywhere,  and it usually hits when I least expect it (how does that work for you?). I just try to pay attention and trust something that’s, frankly, a bit of a mystery at times. I’ll wrap this up with a quote from Elizabeth Gilbert:

“The universe buries strange jewels deep within us all, and then stands back to see if we can find them. The hunt to uncover those jewels, that’s creative living. The courage to go on that hunt in the first place – that’s what separates a mundane existence from a more enchanted one.”