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Knockin’ the Rust Off

By April 11, 2021December 8th, 2023local music scene, music community, musings, new releases

We knew this time would come. PA and power strips in the backyard. Bandmates vaccinated and ready to see each other’s faces, hear each other’s voices, and play together again. It’s time to knock the rust off, and remember what it feels like to be a band. As things start opening up at the beloved venues that have survived (and perhaps some new ones), we’ll be ready.

Other projects are in the works as well. In early May I’ll be recording the vocal for a beautiful song called “Wyoming Sky”, written by my friend Richard Lodwig of the band Tremolo Saints. Also, a piano-based song that I wrote following the sudden passing of my little sister is coming to fruition. I’m working on this one with my friend Jerry Becker, who produced my first album “Faith To Fall”… thrilled to have him on board for this very personal endeavor.

Finding our way back will take time, and things may look pretty different. But we can start now, with eyes on that shimmering light, out there at the end of the tunnel.